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Pediatric Care

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Pediatric Care is the term used to describe the areas of medical practice that deal specifically with the development and management of children. Pediatric is a multifextended field that encompasses both children's physical, mental, social, emotional, and developmental health. Pediatric care can start in the infant years and continues throughout childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, and into adulthood. There are different areas of pediatric care such as special education, developmental disabilities, immunology, cardiology, neurology, gastroenterology, oncology, pediatrics, infectious disease, trauma and acute care, female reproductive medicine, pediatrician-oncologist relationship, and pediatrician training and education. It is estimated that by the year 2020, there will be a shortage of pediatricians in the United States.

Pediatric medicine deals specifically with the young patients who reside in the neonatal age groups. These are babies who have been born prematurely or have their births caused by any number of reasons. Premature babies frequently require intensive medical care and a high level of attention from their parents, family, and community in order to survive. Many of these infants will be placed in a high-risk pediatric hospital where they receive intensive care from neonatologists, pediatric nurses, and other highly trained medical personnel. Find out more in relation to this topic here:

One specialty within neonatal care is cardiology, which involves the study of diseases and conditions of the heart. Within neonatal care, cardiologists and their associates also provide treatment to such infants as underweight babies, those with congenital heart defects, those with inadequate lungs, and those with other health conditions. These conditions and problems can result in irreversible or life threatening defects or injuries of the heart or lungs and can range from mild to fatal. The role of these neonatologists is to monitor the condition of these infants and prepare them for specific procedures such as angioplasty, vasculoprotein injections, heart transplantation, pericardial infusions, as well as pediatric heart transplants when appropriate.

Pediatrician are also responsible for treating cases of acute respiratory distress among very young children. In many cases these young children can be treated successfully with the medications and procedures of their pediatricians or other adult medicine doctors. There are also many children who are diagnosed with life-threatening medical conditions that need to be monitored closely by the pediatricians.

Pediatric is one of the four major fields of medicine that is often known as the "big medicine". Pediatric includes treatment techniques and procedures that focus on small, delicate patients who cannot be treated effectively with the treatments of more experienced physicians. Pediatricians work in conjunction with their adult and pediatric counterparts to provide comprehensive patient care that combines the best of conventional and complementary medicine in an effort to provide the best possible outcome for patients. Pediatricians can treat both children and adults, although there are some pediatricians who specialize in just one of these specializations, usually surgery, cardiology, or neurosurgery. In addition to providing comprehensive primary and specialty care, a pediatrician provides guidance and assistance to families and individuals in managing their health care needs. Visit this site to learn more about pediatric care.

Pediatric is one of the growing areas of the health care field. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of children and adolescents referred to specialty physicians in the past few years. Many of these physicians have completed their additional training in an area of specialization such as Pediatric Sleep Medicine, or Critical Care. While the number of children in critical care has been increasing steadily, pediatricians play a key role in ensuring that children in this potentially life-threatening situation receive the very best care. Pediatric medicine endocrinology infectious disease and sleep medicine are currently among the most popular areas of pediatric practice. For more details about pediatrics, see here: